Electronic thought offers new and innovative ways to command and control various electronic devices by flexing your brow or with the nod of your head.
The BIG BOOL competition will be a set of objective problems which will seem easy, but will be crafty which requires logical thought.You will be provided with,
- a Black Box ,
- the Input to the Black Box ,
- the Output of the Black Box and
- the Description of the Black Box.
You have to guess the digital circuit (logic design) inside the box. This 2 round event will test the students for their acumen, grasping quality and mental agility.
Event dates: Tuesday, Mar 2, 2010 from 4 to 7 pm.
Every bonafide student of Army Institute of Technology, Pune is eligible.
A Team may consist of:
- Up to Two (2) eligible students (Same branch, but not necessarily same batch).
- Eight (8) teams per branch will participate.
To Register Click Here!!!
Meet your respective Tech-aakriti branch heads.
ROUND 1(Qualifier round):
1. A total of 32 teams will participate, 8 from each department, team of max 2 members can be formed.
2. It contains of a set of objective problems.
3. Duration of the round will be 45 minutes.
4. The Top 15 teams will be qualify for Round 2.
ROUND 2 (Final round):
1. It contains a set of SUBJECTIVE problems with higher difficulty level as compared to previous round.
2. Duration of round will be 45 minutes.
3. Winners will be decided on the basis of this round.
- In case of a tie, tie breakers will be used
- The decision of the coordinators will be final and binding.
Whoever gets the correct solution in least time walks away with the prize!!!
hi guys the dates of Big Bool have been shifted...have a look at the schedule below!!! Thanks!!