We have decided to post all the day-to-day happenings of tech-Aakriti on the AIT Hackers Association Blog and keep this blog purely for event related information. So check out the
tech-Aakriti TRACKER at

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


1. Why tech-Aakriti?
A. The reason behind tech-Aakriti is simple: to make the would be engineers of AIT think, innovate and be creative about technology rather than simply drilling books and getting marks.

The world is not only about the number of marks you have scored in your engineering. That is just a check to ensure that an individual is sincere about his work. The real world, i.e the world we will be stepping into is more about how you can apply yourself in a given situation, especially  if the situation is unknown and new.
tech-Aakriti will give you the chance to actually apply yourself in unknown, unheard of situations. It will be like a mock-test to the real world.

Apart from that there has been a general loss of interest in technology in the would be engineers of AIT. The idea of tech-Aakriti is to revive that interest. Mind you, its not about learning new stuff. But more about knowing of its existence, appreciating it and finding it cool. Why cool? Because that is what engineers are all about.

2. Why Branch-wise and not event wise?
A. We are calling this event tech-AAKRITI. If anyone asks this question for this event then they might as well ask the same for Aakriti Cultural and Sports as well.

This is simply a precursor to show you how Aakriti Technical will be next year. This is more of a dry run. So that we learn from our mistakes as organizers and participants. So that we will be well prepared for Aakriti 2010, where Aakriti Technical will be a very integral part of the competition.

3. Why limited entries per branch?
A. Simply because we do not have time to manage entries in such large and uneven numbers. It is up to the branch to decide the best teams. As far as those who do not get a chance this time, I have this to say to them: Its not about how hard you can hit. Its all about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That is how WINNING is done. Now if you know what you are worth then go out and get what you are worth, but you have to be willing to take the hits.

4. How do I make my team?
A. Choose anyone from your branch. They need not be from the same batch. They need not be competent or good at anything. But what is required is for them to share the same passion as you do for a particular event. Because, passion can make you, him and everyone in your team work in a synchronized fashion towards one goal and with good results.

5. Can I register in more than one event?
A. If you are good, yes, you can. But it is best to focus on one event at a time. If you wanted to take part in more than one event, take part in the other event next time. Remember, try and compete in an event where you will get to learn something. Not in an event which you are already good at. Learning something new in stiff competition has its own fun-quotient.

6. Why have you included video submission as a part of Innovation Cup?
A. This is simply for the people to see what you have done. It is a good form of recording your findings. No common man has the time or the patience to read through your documentation. But, if you have a good visual presentation, a video, an audio of an interview then people will really get hooked on to your work and appreciate the efforts you took in that project.

7. How would you ensure neutrality through out tech-Aakriti?
A. Like I said in the very 1st question, tech-Aakriti is about being innovative, creative and thinking of new ideas in the sphere of technology. That is what engineering is all about. So, all the events/competitions will be modeled in a manner where in you will not be tested on what you already know. You will instead be forced to think creatively in a given situation which you have never come across before.

eg: A mechie CAN win the coding contest or a compie CAN win a contraption, simply because it will be more of a problem solving session in the domain of C/C++ or machines. But the domain itself will not matter that much. Because, if you could solve the PROBLEM on paper, trust us, you have enough skills in C/C++ or machines to transform the solutions into the required domains.

8. Who will frame the questions?
A. A team of Profs, Alumni and non participating BEs will be forming the questions.

9. Who will be the judges?
A. A team of Profs, Alumni and non participating BEs will be judging you depending up on the round of the competition.

10. What about the FEs who have been left out?
A. They at least get to see a technical environment in the college which will drive them to improve themselves next year. This is just their First year at engineering. It is important for them to grow. If you put them in an event at such an early stage and God forbid that they do not do well against the senior teams, they might develop a fear towards technology on the whole. That is not what we want. So we advise the FEs to learn first and then compete. Failure is truly the stepping stone to success.

11. These are a set of questions we got for Tech-Parliament:
  • Which technology should we focus on?
  • What are the new technologies which companies are working on and which is the best?
  • Do we need to know how to work with any of the technologies?

If you have any further queries, doubts, etc. feel free to mail them at aittechmail@gmail.com or post them as comments to this blog post. We would be glad to answer them and probably include it as a part of this FAQ. :)



  1. guyz, ur efforts r truly appreciatd,...especially considerin d dramatic opposition. It might not be perfect, but its a commendibl endevour..hop u'll cme thru wid flyn colours...n plz don tak rhetoric remarks and opposing opinions to heart..jst as positive criticism. Resistance 2 change is bt human nature..Gary R. Singh, TE(MECH)

  2. Hey Guys .. First of all, great start by everybody who is organizing this. You guys are putting in effort and enthusiasm into this and that is visible from your posts.

    My two cents - I feel that no student should miss out on participating because entries are limited. A lot of the geeks out there will not participate if they have to fight about who gets a chance. Most tech fests at IITs do so well, and you see innovation there because there is no limit from participation.

    However, you guys definitely know better about this that I do, so please dont mind my suggestion.

    EnTC 2003
