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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


W-I-L-D  C-A-R-D

The wild-card problems have been uploaded here!

Three problems has been uploaded. Each of them carry equal weightage.
Your job is to solve the problems, and present the output in the format specified in the problem.

Your Submission Should Include :
1. Your "solution" in a ".c" or ".cpp" file
2. the output file (in the format explained with each problem)
3. A text document showing
    a) Team no.
    b) Team name
    c) Member 1 name and email
    d) Member 2 name and email

-only the teams that registered for Coding but could not participate in Round 1 are eligible. OTHERS NEED NOT SUBMIT.
-Do not submit code that does not compile
-Even if your logic is correct, but if it does not generate the output in the specified format, it will be disqualified!
-Teams failing to attach any of the required documents will not be considered for assessment.
-The solutions should be mailed to : "aittechmail@gmail.com" in a zipped folder. The folder should have the name same as the "team no." of the submitting team.
-The contest is a first come first serve one. The first two correct solutions make it to the finals, rest are not entertained.
-The submission will close as soon as we get the first two correct solutions.
-Contest formally closes on Thursday, 28 Jan,2010 1159 hrs.

List of registered teams

Best of Luck Guys! May the best minds win!

1 comment:

  1. Kindly send your solutions only in a .zip file to the email id aittechmail@gmail.com
