We have decided to post all the day-to-day happenings of tech-Aakriti on the AIT Hackers Association Blog and keep this blog purely for event related information. So check out the
tech-Aakriti TRACKER at

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This is to bring to the notice of all concerned, especially the branch-heads, and the technical teams,  that it's high time you guys start taking things seriously. There are serious issues and they need to be resolved, ASAP


The instructions for each event will be uploaded on the blog at the right time. So follow the blog, all relevant details are up there for most of the events and for the rest, they will be there at the right time. We are not a bunch of fools who toil ourselves in writing one whole documentation, with the slightest of detail, and you comfortably say, "I didn't know".
If a detail is up there, and you say you didn't know, well simply putting it's not my fault, and you loose. simple.

And most importantly, follow what's documented in the blog. Don't go by what someone said some moment. If you come up and report that Mr. xyz told me this and that regarding this particular event, then I am really sorry, why did you trust him in the first place, it's your fault. why don't you just follow the blog?


Talk to each other. I mean talk amongst yourselves, and your counterparts from other branches, your teachers, only then will you get to know how things are going on there. I know you all are busy people, so are we, but you are welcome to get your doubts clarified, anytime. call us, sms us, mail us. we will reply you as soon as possible.
 If you find any discrepancy or if the details provided are insufficient, bring it to our notice immediately, and we will resolve the issue as soon as possible.


No late entries would be entertained from now on. If the end time is 12, we wont be accepting any entry at even 12:01. This is serious business and you need to take it seriously.
Same goes for registrations. registrations will close down 12 hrs before the event. you can be ready with your back-up teams (they should be registered as well), in case some team team fails to make it to the event.


Prince Mishra

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